Privacy Policy

The Advocate Group of Companies - Privacy and Personal Information Protection, Electronic Documents Policy

Company Identity
The Advocate Group of Companies includes:
– Advocate Print and Publishing Company Limited (the Company)
– Flyer Services (1989) Limited
– Metro Guide Publishing Limited
– St. Croix Print and Publishing Company Limited
In compliance with the present laws of Canada that protect the privacy of individuals (Customers and Employees) with respect to personal information about themselves held by The Advocate Group of Companies (the Company, we, our, us) have established a Company Privacy and Personal Information Protection, Electronic Documents Policy, organized according to the principles of the Canadian Standards Associations Model Code, to ensure that individuals personal information is protected and that we practice and follow procedures that are compliant with Bill C-6 (Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act) as follows:
The Company including owners and all employees is responsible for personal information under its control and complies with this Policy.
Identifying Purpose
– To prepare and communicate estimated costs to our customer for communication relating to products and service deliverables.
– To deliver our communication products and services to our customer.
– To maintain customer histories in order to better understand customer communication, product needs and preferences.
– To invoice, collect and maintain payment record information.
– To fulfill our subscription requests.
– To electronically distribute and mail renewal notices.
– To generate awareness and promote our communication products and services.
– To facilitate navigation of individual information collected from our customer owned electronic devices by use of “cookies”.
– To conduct readership studies.
– To share news, event invitations and promotions regarding products and services.
As required by Bill C-6, The Company will consent as required to individual collection, use and disclosure of personal information.
In obtaining consent, we will use reasonable efforts to ensure that the individual is advised of the identified purposes for which personal information will be used or disclosed and explain these purposes in a manner that can be reasonably understood.
The Company may disclose personal information without individual knowledge or consent to a lawyer representing us, to collect a debt, to comply with a subpoena, warrant or other court order, or as may be otherwise required or authorized by law. In the case of debt collection, only the information necessary to collect the debt is turned over (e.g., invoice details and contact information).
In general, the use of our products and services by an individual constitutes implied consent for us to collect, use and disclose personal information for all identified purposes.
The Company collects electronic information from our owned electronic devices about individual navigational preferences. In some cases, digital logs of those preferences known as “cookies” are stored on our owned electronic devices. Individual electronic browsers include the option of denying cookies. Acceptance of cookies is assumed to be implied consent.
Limiting Collection
The Company limits the information we collect to that which is necessary to deliver communication products and services; to meet standard invoicing, accounting and human resource practices and to company news, event invitations and promotions.
The Company maintains individual files, names, addresses, phone and fax numbers as well as individual email addresses electronically and in print. We also record whether or not an individual may have given us authorization to use individual personal information to promote our products and services. We may collect information from other sources including credit bureaus, references, and third parties who represent that they have the right to disclose the information.
Limiting Use, Disclosure, and Retention
The information an individual provides to the Company is used only for the purposes outlined within our Privacy and Personal Information Protection, Electronic Documents Policy and we do not sell or disclose, other than for which it was collected, information as required by law. Law enforcement agencies have a right under various laws to have access to the information an individual provided to us. Legal warrants and lawful instruments will be required before we provides individual information.
The Company maintains records of individual communication products and services supplied information in an active file for seven (7) years.
Individual information as provided to us by individuals is securely maintained electronically. An Individual may request, in writing, in order for us to maintain the Individual information for a specific period of time.
Prior to completing individual work requisitions, we may develop electronic files. The information obtained within electronic files is secured. Individual contact information is electronically displayed or printed on billed invoices or renewal forms. The Company encourages individuals to verify invoice or renewal form information is accurate. Individual information is not altered unless an error is reported by the individual. Individuals that may have concerns about the accuracy of our records may contact our Finance or Customer Service Departments.
The Company will protect individual personal information by security safeguards appropriate to the sensitivity of the information. We will protect personal information against theft, unauthorized access, disclosure, copying, use, modification or destruction, through appropriate security measures, regardless of format in which it is held.
The Company will protect individual information disclosed to third parties by contractual agreements stipulating confidentiality of the information and the purposes for which it is to be used.
All our employees are required to respect the confidentiality of individual information by reading, complying with, acknowledging and signing our Privacy and Personal Information Protection, Electronic Documents Policy.
The Company Privacy and Personal Information Protection, Electronic Documents Policy are freely available from our website.
Upon written request, the Company will provide a description of the type of individual information maintained; in compliance with current legal requirements; within individual files and provide a general account of its use. Written requests and inquiries should be made to:
For competitive reasons, we will not provide costing information. Individuals that may believe information on individual files could be inaccurate are invited to contact our Finance or Customer Service Departments to request possible amendments. In the event that we disagree with individual views of the accuracy of currently maintained information, we will be happy to maintain individual comments as received.
Challenging Compliance
The Company is committed to comply with the present laws of Canada that protect the privacy of individuals with respect to personal information about themselves held by us. Our Privacy and Personal Information Protection, Electronic Documents Policy, organized according to the principles of the Canadian Standards Associations Model Code, will help ensure that individuals personal information is protected and that all of our practices and procedures are also compliant with Bill C-6 (Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act). Further, we will ensure that the policy meets individual concerns and responds to written requirements as requested. Written requests and complaints will be investigated and responded by authorized company representatives who will communicate findings within a reasonable amount of time. If a complaint is found to be justified, we will take appropriate action to resolve the complaint to be in compliance with individual requirements and within legal requirements.
Email Disclaimer
Email communication, including any information transmitted with it, is intended only for the use of the addressee(s) and is confidential. If you are not an intended recipient or responsible for delivering the message to an intended recipient, any review, disclosure, conversion to hard copy, dissemination, reproduction or other use of any part of this communication is strictly prohibited. As is the taking or omitting of any action in reliance upon this communication. If you receive this communication in error or without authorization please notify us immediately by return e-mail and permanently delete the entire communication from any computer, disk drive, or other storage space.
Individuals that may disagree with the results of our efforts may contact:
Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada
30 Victoria Street
Gatineau, Québec
K1A 1H3
Toll-free: 1-800-282-1376
Scope and Application
The above ten (10) principles, form the basis of our Privacy and Personal Information Protection, Electronic Documents Policy. The Company will adhere to the principles as a whole.
The scope and application is as follows:
– The policy applies to personal information about individuals that we collect, use and/or disclose.
– The policy applies to the management of individual information in any form whether oral, electronic or written.
– The policy does not impose any limits on the collection, use or disclosure of the following information:
Individual names, addresses, telephone numbers and e-mail addresses, when listed in a directory or available through directory assistance; employee names, job titles, business addresses (including e-mail addresses) or Company owned telephone or fax numbers; or, Other information about the individual that is publicly available and is specified by regulation pursuant to the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Document Act.
Last Revised July 25, 2024


DISCLAIMER OF EXPRESS WARRANTIES: Advocate warrants that work is as described in the purchase order.
DISCLAIMER OF IMPLIED WARRANTIES: Advocate warrants only that the work will conform to the description contained in the purchase order. Advocate’s maximum liability, whether by negligence, contract, or otherwise will not exceed the return of the amount invoiced for the work in dispute. Under no circumstances will Advocate be liable for specific, individual, or consequential damages.
INDEMNIFCATION: The customer agrees to protect Advocate from economic loss and any other harmful consequences that could arise in connection with the work. This means that the customer will hold Advocate harmless and save, indemnify, and otherwise defend against claims, demands, actions, and proceedings on any and all grounds. This will apply regardless of responsibility for negligence.
COPYRIGHT: The customer warrants that the subject matter to be printed is not copyrighted by a third party. The customer also warrants that no copyright notice has been removed from any material used in preparing the subject matter for reproduction. To support these warranties, the customer agrees to indemnify and hold Advocate harmless for all liability, damages, and attorney fees that may be incurred in any legal action connected with copyright infringement involving the work produced or provided.
PERSONAL OR ECONOMIC RIGHTS: The customer warrants that the work does not contain anything that is libelous or scandalous or threatens anyone’s right to privacy or other personal or economic rights. Advocate reserves the right to use its sole discretion in refusing to print anything it deems illegal, libelous, scandalous, improper or infringing upon copyright law.
STORAGE: Advocate will retain intermediate materials until the related end product has been accepted by the customer. If requested by the customer, intermediate materials will be stored for an additional period for an additional charge. Advocate is not liable for any loss or damage to stored material beyond what is recoverable by Advocate’s fire and extended insurance coverage.
TAXES: All amounts due for taxes and assessments will be added to the customer’s invoice and are the responsibility of the customer. No tax exemption will be granted unless an “Exemption Certificate” (or other proof of exemption) accompanies the purchase order. If, after the customer has paid the invoice, it is determined that more tax is due, then the customer must promptly remit the required taxes to the taxing authority or immediately reimburse Advocate for any additional taxes payable.
TELECOMMUNICATIONS: Unless otherwise agreed, the customer will pay for all transmission charges. Advocate is not responsible for any errors, omissions, or extra costs resulting from faults in the transmission.
LIMITATION PERIOD FOR BRINGING ACTION: No action may be commenced to enforce this contract or for any breach hereof, or for any defect or deficiency of the product to be delivered hereunder, whether on warranty, contract, negligence, or strict or products liability, unless such action is brought within twelve (12) months after accrual of such cause of action.
LAW: These conditions and all other express terms of the contract for services to be provided by the supplier (Advocate Group of Companies) shall be governed and constructed in accordance with the laws of the Province of Nova Scotia unless otherwise specified in writing. All parties to attorn to the jurisdiction of the Province of Nova Scotia in all matters arising out of this contract.